Tuesday 17 April 2012

Savory Stuffed Longan

Savory Stuffed Longan Recipe

  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 10gm / 2tsp crushed coriander seeds
  • 20ml / 1 tbsp + 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 60gm / 0.5 cup lightly packed brown or palm sugar
  • vegetables oil for frying
  • 125gm / 4oz minced pork
  • 1gm / 1 chopped de-seeded chilli
  • 50gm / 0.25 cup roasted, ground peanuts
  • 6gm fresh coriander leaves
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 500gm / 2 cups longan (Fresh)
Method: Fry crushed garlic and coriander seeds in oil.  When garlic is golden add all other ingredients except the longan.  Cook and stir until the mixture is brown and fairly dry.  Add longan.  Continue to cook over low heat and mix well for about 2 minutes.  Serve as an entree or hors de'oeuvre, or as a main course with steamed rice.

* substutute lychees, rambutans and pineapples cubes for longan

Read on for more Tropical Fruit.

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