Tuesday 17 April 2012

Mabolo | Butterfruit | Diospyros Blancoi

Mabolo or ButterFruit: http://bit.ly/HLpRjJ
It is known as "butter fruit" in parts of India. In China it is known as è lí (鳄梨, a direct translation of "alligator pear") or huángyóu guǒ (黄油果, "butter fruit").  It origin from Philippines.

The heartwood of the mabolo tree is streaked and mottled with dark grey or sometimes black.  In the Philipines, it is carved into decorative haor combs which are in great demand.

Mabolo fruit is good source of vitamin B, calsium and iron. 

More Tropical Fruit: http://bit.ly/IXXLp0

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