Saturday 21 April 2012

Persimmon | Diospyros Kaki

Persimmons are grown in some areas of tropical Asia and either the local or imported varieties can be found in markets and shops at the beginning of the northern hemisphere autum season.

There are several varieties of persimmon - some hard, some softer - and all with bright and should not be eaten.  The most popular way to serve a persimmon is to cut it in half and use a spoon to scoop out the smooth sweet flesh.  The fruit must be properly ripe for it to have its full flavour, but over ripe fruits should be avoided as the flesh will be mushy.  Persimmons can also be added to fruit salads or belended to make juice; alternatively, try making a puree and add it to ice-creams or make a fool or mouse.

Read on : TROPICAL Fruits

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