Saturday 28 April 2012

Durian | Durio Zibethinus

Botanical Family: Bombacaceae
Thai Name: Thurian
Malay Nama: Durian
Indonesia Nama: Durian
Filipino Name: Durian
Chinese Name: 榴槤

Click here to read Durian in detail:

Saturday 21 April 2012

Persimmon | Diospyros Kaki

Persimmons are grown in some areas of tropical Asia and either the local or imported varieties can be found in markets and shops at the beginning of the northern hemisphere autum season.

There are several varieties of persimmon - some hard, some softer - and all with bright and should not be eaten.  The most popular way to serve a persimmon is to cut it in half and use a spoon to scoop out the smooth sweet flesh.  The fruit must be properly ripe for it to have its full flavour, but over ripe fruits should be avoided as the flesh will be mushy.  Persimmons can also be added to fruit salads or belended to make juice; alternatively, try making a puree and add it to ice-creams or make a fool or mouse.

Read on : TROPICAL Fruits

Friday 20 April 2012

Malay Gooseberry | Phyllanthus acidus; Cica acida

These fleshy little fruits, the family of which is probably native to India and Madagascar, are found in most parts of tropical Asia.  They are ofte known as the gooseberries of that particular country; for example, Sri Lanka gooseberry, Malay gooseberry and so on.  They grow in grape like clusters and have greenish-yellow smooth skins; measuring around 2cm in diameter, they have a single hard stone inside.

As Scientific name implies, these fruits are very sour and are never eaten raw.  Sometimes, it is difficult to prise the flesh away from the stone.  Firm, crisp and juicy when ripe, the Malay gooseberry is usually used to mae preserve and pickles, but can also be cooked with sugar to make jams and jellies.

When cooked wuth sugar, the fruits changes colour - as does the temperate fruit, quince - from yellow to red.  The Malay gooseberry can also be cooked together with apples, but be sure to adjust the amount of sugar to taste.

Read on for more Tropical Fruits.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Mabolo | Butterfruit | Diospyros Blancoi

Mabolo or ButterFruit:
It is known as "butter fruit" in parts of India. In China it is known as è lí (鳄梨, a direct translation of "alligator pear") or huángyóu guǒ (黄油果, "butter fruit").  It origin from Philippines.

The heartwood of the mabolo tree is streaked and mottled with dark grey or sometimes black.  In the Philipines, it is carved into decorative haor combs which are in great demand.

Mabolo fruit is good source of vitamin B, calsium and iron. 

More Tropical Fruit:

Savory Stuffed Longan

Savory Stuffed Longan Recipe

  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 10gm / 2tsp crushed coriander seeds
  • 20ml / 1 tbsp + 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 60gm / 0.5 cup lightly packed brown or palm sugar
  • vegetables oil for frying
  • 125gm / 4oz minced pork
  • 1gm / 1 chopped de-seeded chilli
  • 50gm / 0.25 cup roasted, ground peanuts
  • 6gm fresh coriander leaves
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 500gm / 2 cups longan (Fresh)
Method: Fry crushed garlic and coriander seeds in oil.  When garlic is golden add all other ingredients except the longan.  Cook and stir until the mixture is brown and fairly dry.  Add longan.  Continue to cook over low heat and mix well for about 2 minutes.  Serve as an entree or hors de'oeuvre, or as a main course with steamed rice.

* substutute lychees, rambutans and pineapples cubes for longan

Read on for more Tropical Fruit.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Pumpkin | Cucurbita | Do you know that Pumpkin Seeds is so useful?

Pumpkin is origin from Mexico and today it been widely found in tropical region. 

The seeds of Pumpkin which are used extensively as Chineses home remedies, contain pretein and vitamin B1, B2 and C.  The ailmins the seeds are known to cure range from whooping cough in children to haemorrhoids, anaemia, lack of milk in nursing mothers and tapeworms and roundworms in children.

Read on for more TROPICAL Fruits and Vegetables